Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Fill out the contact form and I will reach out to you in whatever way you find most convenient! Also feel free to reach out via the email or phone number at the bottom of the page. If I miss you, I will get back to you ASAP.

  • I have immediate availability! Tell me what times work for you and we can get scheduled within a couple of days or weeks, whichever you prefer. I also offer morning, afternoon, and evening times. 

  • My session rate starts at 100 dollars an hour. This is dramatically less than most providers in the area. I believe therapy should be accessible so I try to offer lower rates. I am also happy to offer a superbill for reimbursement with insurance, or a sliding scale price if needed. 

  • I currently do not take insurance. I am happy to offer a superbill for reimbursement. This is covered by out of network benefits for most insurance plans. I am happy to answer any questions you might have about this!

  • A consult call is a 15 minute call over the phone to answer any questions you might have and see if we are a good fit! 

  • Prior to our first session, I will send you a text and email with everything you need to know. I will also send you the paperwork to complete before you arrive. Our first session will mainly consist of us getting to know one another and setting goals.

  • Sessions are 50 minutes long.

  • Yes! I offer telehealth through a HIPAA compliant platform, and am happy to do exclusively telehealth or a combo of telehealth/ in person- whatever works best for you!